Turkey Day Decor//

I know, I know, I already posted for Christmas, but let’s take a step back to this week’s holiday, Thanksgiving! Now, I’ve never been the biggest fan of Thanksgiving for many reasons, but I do love my family, and I’m very thankful! I just love Christmas more, so sorry not sorry for jumping the gun!

When it comes to thanksgiving there isn’t much decorating like Christmas requires, but the main event is the dining table! There are so many options to use for the main center pieces for a Thanksgiving table, and of course I’ve rounded up my faves!

Check these out, and wow the in-laws coming to your table! Never hurts to rack up bonus points!


  1. White, White, White

You all knew I’d have a clean, white option! I love these white pumpkins and antlers. I’m from a hunting family, so these antlers would be the perfect addition to our table!



2. Plaid

I love this plaid, rustic table look. It has simplicity and festivity all wrapped together. Plus, plaid makes everything cozier, and after that turkey you’ll need some “cozy”.



3. Nature meets Modern

I stumbled across this photo and it just grabbed me, of course because of the gold, but also because of all the beautiful greenery! Who would have thought to make the center out of moss?! Brilliant! With all the greenery and gold and creams it’s the perfect balance to suit every ones styling needs. Plus, those gold leaf plates, heart eye emoticons!


nature table


4. Turquoise meets Fall

I love turquoise! Shades of it with mint will be in my wedding, and I love this darker turquoise table with the mixture of beautiful fall colors of reds and oranges. It’s the perfect balance of tradition and bold.




5. Gold, Gold, more gold

Of course I was going to have a table decorated in my fave! The burlap and gold is the perfect mix of rustic for the thanksgiving trends, and beautiful glam for a more fancy array. And who doesn’t love a splash of glitter?

gold thanksgiving


6. Purples and Greens

Usually I end with 5 options, but this table was too perfect. I love the dark jewel tones of the purples and golds mixed with the rustic plank board table, and TONS of greens! I’m seriously obsessed with every element on this table, the plates, candles, flowers, wine bottles, ah it’s all perfect!




So here you go! Get inspired and decorate away!


Happy Thanksgiving to you all! 🙂